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Example: Logic operations for digital channels (AND, OR, XOR) up to more sophisticated functions Example: add a scaling...
Combine two captures into the same view (e.g. show channel 1 of both captures one below the other) EDIT: I want to be able...
Would be nice to be able to open Logic 1.x capture files with Logic2.
Similar to the "normal" trigger mode of an oscilloscope, it would be useful if Logic could be set capture an amount of time...
Enable protocol analyzers to output one or many numerical values that can be displayed as an analog trace. This would help...
Currently, triggering on protocol frame is possible:...
Allow signals to be overlaid onto one signal track. This would make it even easier to compare those signals at a glance. I...
Add a vertical line across all channels that tracks the mouse cursor so that it is easy to see the time relationship between...
There is an idea for Logic 1, but it looks abandoned:...
Some (real) example use cases: Example 1: I have some SPI traffic that I want the HLA to annotate it with different data...