Virtual "analog" channel based off of analyzer / HLA results


Enable protocol analyzers to output one or many numerical values that can be displayed as an analog trace.

This would help look at protocols that are sending data periodically to be decoded and looks at how the values are changing over time.


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"However, I’d really like two features: 1) graphing values, and 2) daisy-chaining multiple devices—both of which would make the Pro 8 more compelling for me."



"+1, would really like this to be able to
- plot audio data
- change the y-axis to say “current” or “power”, i.e. assuming you have a current-mirror shunt outputting voltage. then you want a little config option + formula that converts the voltage-value to a more useful current plot (ref: joulescope)"



"would be super if we could plot data like an audio-waveform within a HLA

really missing the ability to take I2S to a visual form like you had in the old xmos development tools
this would obviously also suggest being able to listen back to it"



"I was wondering if there are any possibilities of decoding the binary signal you get when analyzing signals and make a plot in engineering values using the Logic software (similar to the Arduino serial plotter)? I have tried looking through the extensions list without going into too much detail about each extension, but I failed finding something that could complete this task. As I am new to the Saleae and it's Logic software, I was hoping that maybe you have a better idea on how to achieve this function."


any updates here?

noted this:



This feature request is currently open and not planned. Outside of this, we don't have any updates on this yet unfortunately.



+1 I would find a lot of value in this feature

Currently trying to measure voltage difference across a current sense resistor in an airport - getting weird looks lol. I appreciate your quality product Saleae team :)



Merged with: Virtual Analog Channels from Protocol Analyzers



It would be absolutely stunning to use decoded Data from a Analyzer or a High Level Analyzer, e.g. the decoded SPI Data from a specific channel of a DAC or ADC device, and feed it into a virtual analog channel, which could be displayed in the Logic2 Waveform View together with the captured binary signals.



Same for Measurements! Would be great to see measurements as analog waveform!



Another request to "add a plot to show a signal’s value change on the screen with HLA extensions", linked below:



Has this already been implemented?



Unfortunately, we don't have any updates on this feature request yet, nor has this been implemented. Sorry for the inconvenience. Once implemented, we will set the status of this feature request post as Live.



"From the documentation it is unclear for me, if the python extension allows to decode a single channel serial data stream into multiple "virtual" channels with the actual measurement readings (like one "hardware" serial channel to 4 analog "virtual" channels for display).

Can you please indicate, if that is possible and maybe point me to the documentation or a sample?"



"The simple example - Looking at the results from the ADC in my deice:
Channel 1: The analog signal going into my device, captured directly by Saleae/scope.
Channel 2: The values from my device ADC conversions, shown as an analog trace on the screen.

The data for channel 2, comes from some sort of digital communication like SPI, and is provided by my device, as close to real-time as my device is able to deliver, then converted to an analog trace on the scope.
This gives an easy to comprehend visualization of internal data, but provided in near real-time with actual captured data, providing a goldmine of data when building SW that controls some physical device.
As a final note, the main requirement is the ability to provide a virtual analogue trace based on some digital value stream, but extra features such as changing scale/adding delay (including negative delay) directly in the GUI when looking at the traces would be welcome too."



I would love to use this capability for two things.

1. I would develop an extension that measures quadrature encoder outputs, calculates velocity and position with some configurable conversion factors, and then plots the velocity as a new channel. Right now I can use Logic 2 to capture, but then I have to export and post-process in Python or Excel to get position and velocity plots.

2. I would output my firmware's velocity and position tracking information on a UART and write a HLA that produces additional virtual channels to quickly compare firmware results with an external reference. Again, this can be done with a Python script or a debugger, but the cycle time for repeated experiments would be a lot shorter with analyzer extensions. Shorter test cycle time = shorter development time.





Hi all!
The High Level Analyzer (HLA) feature in Logic 2 is great. It lets us extract specific values from proprietary/custom protocols. It would be great to visualize the extracted values in custom waveforms. This could be realized by using "virtual analog channels". However, continuous equidistant "sampling" (or generation of values) should not be a 'must requirement'.
This would help a lot to visualize system internals. Otherwise, workarounds could do the trick (e.g. streaming the data over another interface to some other visualization tool).



"I am working with PWM for motor control, where the PWM duty cycle will vary sinusoidally.

I would like to visualize the duty cycle variation in the Logic waveform display. So that I would see the sine wave overlayed the PWM waveform, or possible displayed below it.

I could write such an extension if possible. From a quick look so far at the extension documentation, I don’t see a way to annotate the waveform or create a new one for display. Is this possible?

And/or does somethink like this already exist?




"I’d like to create a custom extension+hla to convert data from say an UART or I2C log to something that is visualised the same way as the analog channels would do.

I might have missed this in the docs, but if it doesn’t exist, I’d really like to see this feature:

HLA option to show as analog waveform
simple config to define the scale etc
bonus being able to inject markers on the fly"



"A bit a side-topic: The ability to use virtual channels in the Logic-Software. E.g. we have a quadrature-signal (AB) from a distance sensor and would like to visualize it as analog signal."



"I’d like to take a digital channel, calculate the duty cycle, then create a new digital signal (a math function) that just represents this duty cycle as a signal level from 0 - 100%. This type of functionality is on a high end scope, so when you have a zoomed out perspective you can look at the PWM trend as a scope plot. Glitches in the PWM trend can point to issues."



"Is it now possible to display position over time in the logic2 software and export that data to a file?"



"e.g. a SPI current sensor output could be then displayed timealigned with other turly analog acquired signals and other generated signals such as target values and statemachine states...

It would be fine to have to instantiate an HLA for each additional trace to be output"



Merged with: Generate a new channel based on data from other channels



I would like to turn some metrics of a channel into a new channel.

Example: I’m recording the PWM signal sent to a stepper motor controller.

In this implementation, PWM duty cycle remains stable at ~50% but frequency changes from 127 to 500 Hz. Channel 0 captures steps and Channel 1 the direction.

I would like to display the frequency in an additional channel, for example as an analog measure just below. How to perform that?

Similar question if frequency remains constant but duty cycle changes.

Please refer to [Turn PWM metrics into additional channel](discuss.saleae.com/t/turn-pwm-metrics-into-additional-channel/653) for dataset and screen mockup.



"I'd like to see graph analysis for my PC FAN tachomerer output to compare multiple fans in sense of warmup speed; see attached screenshot, I'd love to see curve for frequency in time domain"



"It would be very nice to have a PWM analyzer, that could show a graph (like for analog channels) on top of the digital data. The graph should show the duty-cycle at the end of each high+low or low+high period, depending on the selection of active level."




I love that I can write simple python script for measurement and protocol analyzers.
I hate that I can’t create “virtual channel and plot on it”. Also hate that I can not combime multple channels in one virtual using arithmetic or logic operators.

Anyway. My idea is to create plot is python and update it “online”. easy… no!!

Logic2 uses its own (not system installed) python3 (currently 3.8) and does not use packages that are installed on system, so matplotlib which I have and use is unavaliable.

I’ve tryed to search for this python internal instalation and install additional library by hand but its wrapped in python38.zip which is in /tmp/.mount-something/ that is mounted read-only.


Is there a way that I could add external libraries to this instalation? - then second question is not needed
Maybe you could add plotting library until there is a way to plot included internally?
Is there any other method that I can try to plot results online?
For example: I have analog values from sensors that are read by SPI analyzer. How to create plot of it without need of: “Export data to txt/csv” -> parse exported file to something usable -> load data to plotting software (gnuplot, LibreOffice Calc whatever…)

Thanks for any advice.





First of all, nice job with Logic2. Hell of a software.

But... Every scope that I use have this little function: logical sum of other channels which is unreplacable.

I think it should be very easy to add virtual channel that is logical or arithemetical function of other channels. It would work same for logial or analog data. And it would be first step for creating virtual channels that are fed with data from python.

Without this functionality your app is like kindergarden. Very nice one but still. As I'm using your Logic 16 Pro this is the only functionality that I really miss.



I generate the PWM according to the sinusoidal law.
Please add on the pulse (or in another pane) the horizontal line at the height proportional to the duty-cycle. connecting these lines pulse by pulse we will see the resulting envelope



Merged with: Envelop of the PWM signal


Peter Jaquiery

There are already several related ideas. ideas.saleae.com/b/feature-requests/turn-pwm-metrics-into-additional-channel/ links to at least three additional ideas



Status changed to: Open



A more general approach as exposed at discuss.saleae.com/t/generate-a-new-channel-based-on-data-from-other-channels/653/5?u=rei_vilo leads to a new title:

+ Generate a new channel based on data from other channels.

  • J


We're definitely planning on building this :)
No timeline though, might take a while

  • B


That is awesome. Can't wait.



Status changed to: Planned


Peter Jaquiery

If this were an HLA ability (to generate data for an analog trace) it would provide some major power for visualizing all sorts of data including simply showing decoded protocol analyzer output.

Collin's analog to digital gels pretty well with this idea and "simply" becomes an HLA feature (analog channel as data source).

  • K
  • S
  • J
  • M

Collin Kidder

So you mean being able to do something like take a serial stream that encodes temperatures and turn the readings into analog values that then plot on an analog channel? Interesting, I like the idea. Actually, it's nearly the inverse of a feature request I had where analog values would be allowed to be turned into digital outputs. I think both could be two sides of a common SDK where one is allowed to take in one or more channels as input and output one or more channels as output. That probably requires quite a bit of extra work but it'd be cool.