Import .logicdata capture


Would be nice to be able to open Logic 1.x capture files with Logic2.


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Not quite an answer to this as it does not directly deal with .logicdata (1.x) and .sal (2.x), however some 4 years ago I posted an example of how to export two mixed (analog+digital) recordings from Saleae Logic 1.x via .bin export, and import them both in a single PulseView session. Here is the link: github.com/sdbbs/sigrok_pulseview_combine_merge - maybe it helps. Though, I'd say, for me a Python converter between .logicdata and .sal (both ways); between 1.x and 2.x .bin (not sure if there is difference between them); and back and forth from these formats to (extended) Value Change Dump (.vcd) and .wav would be all I need.



Strange that this has not been picked up yet.
What happened to the company with great hardware and software support?
I totally fell in love with the Logic Pro 8 and Logic 1 but I slowely get the feeling there have not been many major improvements in the last 3 years.
There are still a few crucial basic features missing in Logic 2 that were in Logic 1.



Thanks for the feedback. I believe my reply below to another user with similar sentiment applies to your comment as well.

In addition, feel free to send me a list of the basic features you miss in Logic 1 that's missing in Logic 2 via email below:

I know we've got a few missing in Logic 2 (including the ability to read .logicdata files), but I'm curious to know your specific list of other preferences, and I'd like to make sure we get that recorded and discussed internally.



I just saw your post here as well. You're absolutely right about it btw. We don't quite manage measurements well in Logic 2 at the moment. Thanks for posting that.



Hi, i think it is strongly required to make support old style format conversion also. We have a lot of records without access to the equipment.



In current "Open capture" there is field for selecting extension, but in it only ".sal" is available. Will be nice if ".logicdata" will be added (with conversion of course).

  • A


"Unrelated but I hope you would reconsider importing logicdata files in the new UI. I am still using the older build because of this, also its the _second time_ you guys do this. I still have logicsession files!"



I was sent a saleae .logicdata file to review a data bus capture. Never heard of or used saleae products, so like anyone, I googled it and it led me down the path of downloading/installing Logic2. File -> Import. Incompatible file type. Find out that Logic2 doesn't do that. Tried to download Logic1, ran the executable, my entire Windows 10 completely freezes (can't move mouse or even go to task manager) and have to do a hard reboot. Tried 2 more times with same result, giving up. Pretty horrific introduction to saleae.



This is terrible... and I'm sorry to hear this was your first experience with our software. You are right, our current Logic2 app is not able to open the older .logicdata format meant for our legacy Logic1 software.

Logic1 causing your PC to completely become unresponsive is absolutely strange. I'm not sure I recall that ocurring in the past, at least in recent memory. I'd be happy to investigate this asap and get this working on your end.

Would you mind sending me (Tim) a message about it using the link below?

In the message, you can include a link to this forum post and let us know that you're Rod so that I know it's you. Please also share the following:
- Your PC OS
- Your PC make/model
- Which exact Logic1 version you attempted to download, install, and run.
- The exact steps you take to reproduce the issue
- In case the .logicdata file is required to reproduce the issue, let me know in your message and I can provide a private upload link you can use to upload your .logicdata file to us for investigation.



"What about logic 1 file format?

There are many of us that have so many old captures and are forced to use old, unsupported software, because Logic 2 doesn’t support Logic 1 files.

So at least, could you document, unofficially, the Logic 1 file format as well, at least at the extent that we could convert one format to the other?

Otherwise, it is very possible that eventually we won’t be able to run the old software and read the old files. Or we might need to use virtualization because future operating systems might be incompatible with the old software.

Pretty please?"



"Being able to open captures traces from Logic1 .logicdata files or even .vcd files would be very appreciated."



"I would like to use the new version of Logic, but I need to compare output with existing trace captures. It is tedious to compare trace outputs from different versions."



If its hard to implement a import possibility ... maybe it is more easy to build a converter tool?



"wow. Tried out @saleae Logic2 software ... nope nope nope nope. It's pretty but terrible UX. Can't even open/import old capture files despite this being a trivial feature. What the heck happened to the company providing a solid UI to their solid hardware?"



I can't believe Logic 2 has made it to general release with no way of interacting with the 1.x logicdata format, despite it being 1) a rather obvious requirement and 2) requested over 2 years ago.

You're also now driving a wedge between new and old users of your software:

"Starting January 4 2022, Saleae has released a new hardware revision of our Logic Pro 16 devices. These new units are not compatible with the legacy Logic 1.x software"

So further to Tim's point about someone accidentally using the newer software, If you buy a new Logic 16 you MUST use the new software. And then to review capture files you need to use the "correct" version.

Norbert summarised it perfectly. I wouldn't want to have to track down a copy of Word 2003 because I have an old document. Wow.

Looks like my Logic 8 is the first and last Saleae product I buy... I love my Logic 8 but I can't justify spending any more money on an ecosystem where this kind of thing happens.



Just imagine new version M$ Word is unable to open old version.

  • G


"Just wanted to provide some quick feedback about your preference not to have backwards compatibility to your file format.
We are a group of few tenths of engineers collaborating and using your tools as our reference to exchange traces to debug issues.
If one of the team members, even unintentionally (laptop upgrade) forgets to use one specific version of your software and downloads the latest, he automatically forces all the team to move to the latest software once he produce a single trace file. Making this trace file again may not be that easy.... especially if you are hunting a bug that appears once a day... also please do not take for granted that moving into the latest version is also an easy option. We may be working offline in the customer domain.
Just wanted to provide some feedback ... keep up the good work!"



"I am not referring about files between Logic 1.x and Logic 2, but between different versions of Logic 2. It seems that it is not allowed to open a file with an older version of Logic 2. Thus if someone from the team saves a file with the latest version, people that want to view this file should move to this version as well. That causes constant disruption…"



Hi Saleae,
This is an absolutely critical feature and I honestly can't believe this has not been implemented / fixed yet. Is there already a release date available for this feature?



"As I would imagine you’ve heard from many in the industry, the main reason that I’m reluctant to move to Logic 2.x is the incompatibility of the saved capture formats. I regularly need to both look at traces from others and share traces of my own. Currently, the de-facto “standard” for sharing these traces is the .logicdata format. So, given that I can’t convert/import/export this format into/out of the Logic 2.x software it’s simpler to stay put with the Logic 1.x software. As a software/firmware developer myself, I understand the value of “starting fresh” and occasionally making some large, compatibility breaking, changes, but in this case, I think Saleae may be a victim of its own success. Now that .logicdata has become a de-facto industry standard, I don’t think you’ll see widespread adoption of Logic 2.x unless/until you also provide some tools for managing the support/transition of the legacy capture format. Of course, that last bit is all just my opinion, but I don’t think I’m unique in that viewpoint."



Still waiting on this capability - sticking with Logic 1.2 until we can open .logicdata files with logic 2.



"cannot open logicdata file, not showing in this feature"



"Hi. I'm here because of the Mac M1 issues. For me, Logic2 isn't able to record more than a moment of data, and when I did, I couldn't get the SPI analyzer working.

I'm writing mostly to let you know of the impact. I am using legacy Logic software and it's mostly working fine for me. But when I try to share my capture, others are unable to view it."



I need this feature as well. Without it I'm, and I'm sure many others, never switching to Logic2.



"please support loading of the legacy .logicdata files in the application or as an external converter program. We have a lot of sample files we would like to be able to analyze and it feels silly to keep two applications installed for this purpose.
I find it strange that you do not have support for .logicdata on the roadmap.
We have a lot of captures from "one shots" which we want to be able to analyze in the future as well without juggling old installs. Even excel allows you to load old spreadsheets in the latest version :D

An offline converter would work as well of course."



Yes, please! It is a little bit of a pain to need both versions installed.



"It really would be nice if v2 software could import v1 logictraces… We have a lot of validation data that has been captured using Saleae devices, and have to keep both versions of the software available just so we can continue consulting them… Really?"



See forum discussion here on this topic as well:



"I downloaded version 2.3.5. with it I can not open the data I captured before. I was able to open *.logicdata with 1.2.18.
Now I can not open it with 2.3.5"



"Export/import original Logic "logicdata" files. Deep history of traces generated with original Logic program."



"I use them both all of the time. Some things are still better in Logic 1 and many other things are better in Logic 2. It’s perfectly fine to switch between them.

But, I feel you about the lack of Logic1 file loading. I mean, they have the source code for both, how difficult can it be to support your own file format? At first it was like “yeah, they’re busy making a new, awesome program, give them some slack” but now it kind of seems to stick out like a sore thumb. I’m sure there are reasons. And, we can all live with it because we can still use Logic 1 (even if you have to fudge the V1 version most of us have installed because of the expired update thing). So, while I find it quite odd I tend not to dwell on it too often. Just load Logic 1 and view your captures. But, still, I’d really like to see support for it added soon."



"This is ultimately essential - we have a workflow for which tooling needs to be able to open earlier captures - .logicdata files and/or .VCD"




It would be really helpful to have this feature implemented ... or at least have converter-tool for .logicdata to .sal data-files.



same here: we collected and compare lots of data and protocol logs.
being able to either convert "old" .logicdata to .sal (using external converter tool) or import old reference/testing data would help us a lot for the migration from Logic 1.* to 2.*



This is an excellent idea. We use your units quite a bit, and have a lot of data sets that we keep for reference and documentation purposes. Being able to import them into Version 2.X of the software is an important consideration before we can migrate to the newer software platform...



Hello I could really use this feature to evaluate Logic 2. I have captures from a difficult customer problem, I was hoping that logic 2 extension capabilities could help me. But since I cannot import a logic 1 capture, I am stuck with using another solution. I am not sure that what you want to happen.



Status changed to: Open



I always used the older version of Logic SW. Now, I want to start using the new version BUT all my debug database has been saved with older extension ".logicsetting" and ".logicdata". It could be usefull to implement an open/import function for the older Logic files.



Status changed to: Under review



This is important - I have some large .logicdata files that I'd like to import, and save just a portion of to substantially reduce the size. Alternatively, a tool to convert the files would be fine too.

  • E
  • B
  • B


I've been finding that the *.sal files are significantly smaller than the *.logicdata files. Possibly due to compression? I've been needing to compress *.logicdata files to save space, however with *.sal files, I no longer even bother.