Customizable Keyboard Shortcuts & Feedback


I'd like to consolidate all feedback with regards to keyboard shortcuts.

Ideally, we'd love to make them completely customizable, and provide the user with a way to tailor their keyboard experience with our app.

Let us know any specific feedback you may have in a comment below!


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"it would be nice if the mouse wheel operation more closely matched other programs. That is, mouse wheel by itself scrolls. Hold down Shift to scroll on the other axis (up and down). Hold down Ctrl to zoom in and out."



"suggestion: with the Device Setting pane open, it would be nice to be able to type numbers with a timeout (e.g. '1', '15', '6', etc) to toggle the Digital inputs, and some option key (shift/cmd/etc)+digit to toggle analog. For the 1[0-5] you can have a few hundred ms timeout after a '1' to differentiate between 1 vs 1x. Thanks!
My workflow, often reverse engineering boards, I'm first often collecting data from many different conductors/pins across a board, and trying to maximize what I see so I can identify what is what. Once I have an idea of what lines are useful to me, then I want to hone in and just collect the data I want and get rid of the lines I don't care about. Usually I'm also first grabbing both digital+analog to get an idea of voltages and identify what's TTL/CMOS logic vs power vs other things (antenna/clock/etc). Once I have an idea of things, I get rid of the analog (so a hotkey to clear all analog, as well as select all analog, would be great), then I want to get rid of the digital lines I don't care about. I want to remove all the analog and some digital so that my capture file will be smaller upon saving, less info for me to look at, and I can increase sample rate on digital for fewer lines.

I think another thing to note is that generally in software I try to maximize the use of keyboard over mouse. It's more of a learning curve up front but can reduce time switching between mouse/keyboard in the future so generally is an overall net gain in time.

Preset is probably nice for the initial investigation (enabling most things) but still require some manual mouse movements to hone in on the exact items I want. If I'm the only requestor and thus I'm guessing very low priority I may use Keyboard Maestro to bind the keys myself externally as that's what I typically do with software that might not have all the hotkeys (or hotkey configurability) I like."



"Suggestion: use more intuitive (common) hotkeys, for example in most applications on macOS when switching tabs, a user can use Cmd+shift+left or right arrow keys, or cmd+1, cmd+2, ... for 1st tab, 2nd tab, etc, and cmd+9 for last tab (even if there are more than 9 tabs). The existing hotkeys are different so people with muscle memory are going to have trouble. Thanks!"

"Suggestion: add a hotkey to export an analyzer, for example cmd+e or cmd+shift+e to export the only analyzer, and if there are multiple it can pop a prompt to select which or type a number (so mouse vs keyboard users can choose). Alternatively to not require an additional modal, could just do cmd+e+[number] where number is the analyzer, but if there is only one analyzer active, just cmd+e (or whatever the hotkey is) should do it."

"Suggestion: make the hotkeys searchable to make it easier to find specific ones."



Merged with: Hot keys for markers



Map CTRL+digit keys to markers 0 - 9 so the hot keys can be used to jump directly to the first ten markers. This allows quick movement between portions of a trace.
An interesting option would remember the last zoom associated with the target marker, although that may not suit everyone.



"- Shift plus mouse wheel scroll should scroll horizontally. It’s a fairly standard thing. Also for mice that have a left and right scroll ability, it should be functional.

- May I suggest m for Mark, left Bracket for start mark, right bracket for end mark (no modifier keys needed). If the mouse is hovering at a time point insert the marker there when the key is pressed. Similar to DAW or NLE user interfaces"



"Feature Request - ctl-shift + mouse wheel to scroll left right. panning around long capture is annoying"



"Feature Request - Horizontal Pan with shift+scroll wheel (or user customizable bindings). Keeps UI navigation closer to other software such as web browsers"



Thanks Peter. This actually seems like a fairly common request per the comments I've been tracking below:

I'll bring this up with the team here.



Merged with: Add keys to skip between edges



Add short cut keys to skip between edges as the "Previous Edge" and "Next Edge" popup buttons do.



Thanks Peter! I'll get this idea merged into our "Keyboard Shortcuts" ideas post.



"Plaase add any quick way to go to the end of list. I mean list of decoded CAN frames. Scroll bar does do the job. I sugeest End key, but complementaryHome is already used, so mayby Ctrl+End and Ctrl+Home (it works also in internet browsers and text editors so it is a standard). And of course PgUp and PgDn"



"Feature Request - Place marker as in Logic 1
Press number key (1-9) to add marker"


Peter Jaquiery

Zoom bookmarking is a great idea. Allowing bookmarking multiple zoom levels is much better than just one. With a little further thinking what may be most useful is bookmarking a "view" which includes zoom and position. That makes it really easy to switch between "the good example" and "the bad example" to compare two different parts of a capture for example. Being able to do that context switch across tabs would be even better!

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"that prompts the thought that a smart “toggle zoom” hot key would be really nice in a situation like this to quickly switch back to the big view. The smart bit is in figuring out what the “previous” zoom was."



Note: A zoom-level bookmark (via keyboard shortcut) might help as well, without needing any sort of smarts built in to the function. Press a shortcut to save the current zoom level and viewpoint, then zoom in to your heart’s desire, then press the shortcut to recall your previous zoom level.



"Feature Request - Shortcut for Selecting Markers as in Logic 1

Much faster in Analyzing...re-positioning markers while zooming/scrolling with mouse"

  • E


In Logic 1.x, the num keys allowed the user to quickly select and move timing markers with the number keys.
(i.e. "1" = timing marker 1, "2" = timing marker 2, etc...)



Merged with: Select timing markers with num keys



"Strangely there is no keyboard short cut to scroll to the ends of the data. Home and end seem obvious for the task, but Home instead is “zoom right out” and End is unused!"



Merged with: Analyzer Bubble scrolls to Terminal



Allow Ctrl + Click (Win) or Cmd + Click (Mac) to navigate from the analyzer bubble to the corresponding entry in the Terminal View.

(Similar to how you can navigate from the analyzer bubble to the Data Table row using the same command right now)



"keyboard shortcuts: for very important functions in software, try to use single keys (or make it customizable). You even could use some more logical shortcuts like 'DEL' for deleting a marker. And "Ctrl+R" is to hard to hit. I would like to just hit "Enter" for both start and stop."



Merged with: Conflict with default macOS keyboard mapping



On macOS, to create a snapshot, `⌘ + ⇧ + [3-5]` keys need to be pressed at once.

However, whenever `⌘ + ⇧` is pressed with a captured sequence on the UI, Logic2 discards the current measurement values (time, voltage, ...).

This prevents the OS from capturing the actual content of the view, as the measurement info no longer appears in the screenshot.

`⇧` (Shift) should not change the displayed info, at least not until another key is pressed.

(Logic 2.2.3)

Note: animated GIF do not play on ideas.saleae.com and even small mp4 files (55KB) cannot be attached, so it is hard to screencast the issue.



Merged with: Shift/Ctrl/Alt change behavior of mouse scroll


Paul Y

By default mouse scroll button zooms in/out. Would be great if holding Shift/Ctrl/Alt keyboard buttons change behavior.
For example:
Scroll => zoom in/out waves,
Ctrl+scroll => scroll wave horizontally, Alt+scroll => scroll vertically.

And would be great have these actions configurable. For example, I personally would prefer that mouse scrolling would scroll wave left/right instead of zoom.

  • R


Merged with: Use keyboard to select channels in analyzer settings



When I add an analyzer, and need to setup the input channels, it would be nice if I could click the dropdown for a given channel (e.g. MISO) and then press a number key to select a channel.

This would help speed up setting channels.



Merged with: Keyboard shortcuts for edge skip


Peter Jaquiery

When the edge skip arrows are shown for a trace allow Ctrl+arrow to skip left or right. This allows hovering the mouse cursor over a trace of interest then using the arrow keys quickly to navigate between events.



Merged with: Slow (precise) zoom + pan



I love the keyboard interface to zooming and panning. However, sometimes, the step of the movement is too big.
If one could press ctrl + to have the step much smaller, it would allow to adjust the view much more precisely without touching the mouse.

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The keyboard shortcuts list is getting longer.
It would be useful to be able to scroll using the keyboard.
It would also help to be able to filter by searching a substring.



Merged with: Keyboard shortcuts help scroll and search



Would prefer a more optimal method than resizing one channel, then using the context menu to resize others to match.

In addition, one should be able to resize both digital and analog channels to the same size.

Keyboard shortcut ideas:
- option+cmd when resizing a channel would simultaneously resize all other channels, both analog and digital.
- In the context menu, give an option to "Resize all channels to the same size" rather than just the digital or analog ones.



Merged with: Shortcut to Resizing All Channels at Once



IMHO, a great feature of Logic 1 was "shift-click-n-drag to zoom-in to selection". Indeed, that was the most efficient way to precisely zoom in to where you want to go. Please bring back "shift-click-n-drag to zoom-in to selection".



please in the other direction also (Ctrl+Click on a Char in terminal to navigate to the position in analyzer)



wow, that would be super useful!




Suggestion to add some useful navigation keyboard shortcuts:

'0..9' to directly jump to a marker. (Number identical to P0, T1 etc in "Timing Markers" window)

Add '' to navigate to start trigger.

'[' Jump to previous marker / marker pair
']' Jump to next marker / marker pair
All with the same behavior as clicking on the arrow icon in the "Timing Markers" window.

',' Jump to next "edge" offscreen
'.' Jump to previous "edge" offscreen

Shortcuts listed above are easy to remember, for example which are located above comma and point)



In Logic 1.x, the num keys allowed the user to quickly select and move timing markers with the number keys.
(i.e. "1" = timing marker 1, "2" = timing marker 2, etc...)


Peter Jaquiery

Adding next/prev marker arrows as are present for digital trace edges would be nice.


Peter Jaquiery

This overlaps ideas.saleae.com/b/feature-requests/select-timing-markers-with-num-keys/. Maybe it would be better as a comment to that idea?



We'll make them configurable in the future, as we won't be able to make everyone happy otherwise :)