Provide Standalone Release for Logic 2


Provide Windows Standalone Release for the Logic 2 software, will be great.
Our IT policies don't allow to install software, this will be a great thing to be up to date ..


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I'd like a standalone version for Linux as well



The Linux version of our software is provided in AppImage file format. It does not need to be installed, and can be run as a standalone executable.

Otherwise, if I may have misunderstood your request, feel free to let me know!



"Logic Setup 2.x Install fails with bad signature
Digital signature issues can be a pain to resolve, so it would probably be far easier for everyone involved if Saleae simply provided a 2.x stand-alone version (like it did for the 1.x software)"



Thanks for all the feedback everyone!
First - if you need a standalone version of the Logic2, you can just ask in support to get one short notice.

However, I'd like to get more information from anyone who needs this:
1. Is the root problem that IT policies block the install because of the required permissions, or just SW install is blocked in general?
2. Right now, our installer installation type is "per-machine" only, which requires admin privileges. Would changing that to per-user, or include the per-user option, allow it to be installed? This installs the app to %APPDATA% for the current user.
3. for deploying the standalone version across multiple machines, how do you deploy the drivers? Do the end users need to install these themselves the first time manually?
4. Would just providing a command line argument for the installer, coupled with not requiring admin permissions for a per-user install, solve this?

There are a few reasons we don't want to publish a standalone version along with the installer version:
1. We would either need to implement another auto-updater feature, or simply not support auto-update (not desired)
2. Can't automate installing pre-requisites, and when we change pre-requisites, it creates trouble for anyone trying to update their standalone version.
3. Driver install will still require admin permissions.

  • J


At least with my company, updating standalone installs isn't a concern because we would just manually uninstall the old standalone software and download then install the new standalone installer.

Many government and security-focused facilities simply don't allow internet-based software install at all. Auto-updating isn't a big concern here but big releases (i.e. 1.0 to Logic2.0) are desired.



Standalone install is an absolute must for our large facility based on corporate standards. A standalone release of Logic 2 would be a huge help!



I'd like to see the standalone version updated to support Logic 2 because my companies overly-zealous antivirus is borking the installer (grabbing hold of the CAB for a deep scan before the installer can chech the signature), and the Saleae online help says to use the standalone release.



Status changed to: Open



Do they prevent you from installing or from auto-updating it?



Status changed to: Under review