Time compress idle periods


Often when recording long captures on a mostly idle bus a large amount of time is wasted during "idle".

Having some way to be able to "compress" these time periods by default, so that they take up less room when scrolling through a long capture would be ideal.

Thinking of some fancy modern version of how you even see in datasheets the small s like pattern on lines to indicate "time has passed".

Maybe it shows a block of a different colour you can click on to expand it back out.

In _most_ protocols data is only transferred on edges / when digital lines are changing.

So sort of thinking if you could specify to "hide" idle periods of greater than some threshold would be ideal.

In my application; I'm logging data to an SPI flash every 30 seconds, which results in a small burst of activity followed by 29.9 seconds of empty space in the capture.

If i could collapse these down I could then scroll through these to check without having to zoom in/out.


Activity Newest / Oldest



"Context: receiving data over CAN at 100 ms periods

In order to analyze what is going on in the timeline view, one has to continuously zoom out, move to the next packet, zoom back in… (and repeat).
Is it possible to compress the timeline between the packets (I tried to sketch the concept below)?"



"Is it possible to delete data between 2 markers? Cant find how.
Tried with a marker pair as well, but there is only the option “outside pair”. I would like to delete “inside pair”.
Working with v2.4.13"



"It would be super useful if there was an option to hide the idle periods to make more use of the screen, when zoomed into each packet of data."



"View different parts of a channel in the same capture
I would love a way to be able to view a sequence several transactions of a digital trace (I2C in the current case; assume everything here is talking about digital captures) that are separated by relatively long amounts of time. When they're visible on the same screen they lack the detail of a higher zoom level.

In general I want to have a way to visually compare sections of the trace that are not on the screen at whatever the current zoom level is.

Possible approaches:
- collapse the timeline between edges if over some threshold
- collapse the timeline between two timing markers
- multiple view ports for the same channel"



Maybe not make it the default, but it would be nice to have a button that could toggle compressing/expanding idle periods.