Support "Last Packet" HLA Frame Property


Add support for an HLA property that determines if the incoming packet is the last packet.

This will be helpful for HLAs such as the Concatentor HLA, which needs to detect if a frame is the last frame. Otherwise, the last HLA bubble will not appear. Example Image provided.


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"In order to fix it, we would have to detect the end of input and after the last frame commit the current message if it’s not empty. This could happen at the very end of the python file. But I am not sure how we would know when decode() is called for the last time."


Ryan Lindeman

Not sure if this is helpful, but I kept track of the last frame.end_time to compare against each frame.start_time to determine if the difference exceeded some minimum amount of time to determine the start/end of each message. My application uses an Async serial though so it may not apply to your situation.



Hi, that request seems similar to the wish to have "A native HLA-function that runs when a capture is stopped". Because with a clear "termination" call, such "clean-up" could be also done.
* Other alternative could be, to have additional argument to "decode", that indicates the last data during a "run".
* Other option could be to provide extra data type, e.g. called "final" or "terminate" to decode function.