Set Timing Markers from the Data Table


In the data table I can search to find all the rows matching a selected type of event, but it's hard to visualise how they are arranged in time. If I could set a marker for each row then I can see the events in the trace view and easily see how the events relate to other activity.

My immediate use case is seeing where role changes are happening while trying to debug USB-C PD. If I zoom in to see the individual role change I2C transactions I lose track of the context for those changes and have no idea of the overall pattern. I'm using a HLA to decode the I2C transactions. The data table search is a powerful way of finding all the role change transactions, but gives no context. Auto-generating markers from the table entries, especially if I can do it in one hit with selected entries, makes my job much easier.

For bonus points use the text in a selected column as the marker comment text.


Allow me to get a very quick overview of when interesting events are happening. I could select a bunch of rows then right click, set markers.


Activity Newest / Oldest



In this case, I'm trying to analyze some transactions from two ICs simulatenously. One of them (I2C) is a combination of an MPU9250 IMU and BMP280 barometer, and the other an MCP3008 ADC, which I'm using SPI for. My use case is that I'm trying to determine synchronization between the two devices samples' - i.e., I want to see the sampling rate and whether or not I need to implement some form of sampling synchronization between sampling.

If I drop a time marker in the graph window, it crosses all the graphs, but I'd like to be able to see it in the data table as well so I can get a clearer picture of where the transactions start. I've attached a screenshot of what I'm looking at, but unfortunately I'm not enough of a graphical artist to insert the marker where I would like it to be... imagine the same kind of green time marker line, sideways, inbetween the previous transaction and the next one after the time marker.