Provide a method to import external data into Saleae logs


Occasionally I want to view data captured with Saleae along with data captured on other equipment. In the past I have created my own application to integrated data from different sources, but Saleae has not been willing to share their data format (and I'm not interested in dumping the data to a huge file first). So as an alternative, would it be possible to define a data file format so I can add signals to a Saleae log and use the Saleae viewer to see other signals along with the Saleae captures?


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Merged with: Binary File Import



There is currently no way to re-import binary data into the application. This would be great because it allows data to be processed in an external application and displayed again in Saleae Logic after reloading.

I understood in another post that Saleae doesn't want to disclose its *.sal file format in order to remain flexible. However, the export format has been published.

Is there a possibility to add an import function for a common file format into the program? If not is there any workaround for that missing import function?



"If I want to import other file formats into the logic2 software, is that supported? (e.g., Proxmark 3 traces of RFID communications ... typically single channel 125kHz / 135kHz / 13.56MHz sampling rates, but also looking at higher frequency tags)."



"Post-Recording (read only session) glitch-filtering is not supported.
Exporting to CSV, filtering the glitches and importing the filtered data to Logic2 is also not supported."



"What would be nice is to be able to work with a binary file from one or more saleae's and organize the signals in different groups, generate output files that we can use to load and view and measure using the logic app."



It would be nice to have the ability to import data from another source (or generated manually). The data could be in a generic .csv format with columns for a timestamp and each data series (it should be relatively easy to "massage" data from other tools into this type of format). It could be very helpful to visualize data from other sources whose tools are not as user-friendly and responsive as your application...



Merged with: Import data from .csv file as analyzer data



"This is an exploratory question if it is possible through Verilog DPI to send data to Saleae SDK as a "real" signal stimuli for the software.

The goal is to help the Validation Team ( in the flow/steps of IC development ) use the verification environment as a way to make sanity tests in the silicon sample using the code (Verilog/UVM) already developed.

Your software is way better and less convoluted than Cadence Simvision allowing multiple protocols inspections in an easy way."