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Allow signals to be overlaid onto one signal track. This would make it even easier to compare those signals at a glance. I would personally use it currently to look at phase angle between two analog signals.
This would go well with the nice new feature that colors the signal traces.
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"Feature Request - Overlapping analog waveforms. I want to display multiple analog waveforms overlapping each other. Use it to compare timing, synchronization and level differences in analog signals on a single screen."
I am interested in overlaying data from two different channels. Is there currently a way to do this or plans for this to be implemented in an upcoming update?
Merged with: Data overlay from different channels
"Feature Request - Overlay signals from different channels. Helps visualise related signals together"
"Ability to visualize signals overlapped. I want to superimpose 2 signals for better comparisons"
"Is there a way to combine analog channels on the same plot? I would like to be able to zoom in on the channels and quickly see the value of the other channels"
"Why I can't independent scroll channels?
When channel1 is retranslateing channel0 but after few seconds it's usefull find retranslated sequence and scroll it under seding one."
Yes, overlaying two or more signals is a very important feature for hardware development.
"Feature Request - arrange signals in front of each other. Signals can be compared better."
"Basically, I want to be able to create a view like I can do on my Siglent oscilloscope where I can overlay 2 or more channels/signals to compare them.
I want this feature in Saleae, as you already provide the capabilities to display analog and digital channels independently.
The use case is more detailed analysis of overshoot and transmission lines, where I need to compare/test/adjust different circuits parameters in order to ensure the quailty of the signals/design.
Thanks again for engineering such an amazing product!"
"To "see" when one analog value is greater or less than another (like on a scope). Another way to approach this would be to have "waveform math" where a virtural channel could be created that is the difference between two analog channels (i.e. channel 2 minus channel 1), etc."
"Being able to ovelay signals is helpful to see whether desired synchronisation has been achieved or not as required."
I would love the idea of having Overlaid Analog Signals like a scope :)
In a way this can be considered part of "Analog transformation functions and math channels" which would entail definition/creation of virtual channels based on mathematical combinations of real channels. Overlay could also be implemented as a virtual channel combining two or more real channels.
Especially when you work with analog signals