Measurement Extensions - Support User Settings


Original Request here:
Is there a way to provide user parameters for measurement extensions other than hacking values in the extension code?

HLAs provide a settings edit dialog with provision for adding custom settings parameters. I don’t see a way of doing that for measurement extensions.

My immediate use is a burst analyzer digital extension that generates timing statistics for bursts of activity (think async serial or SPI transfer bursts). I’d like to be able to easily set the minimum ‘idle time’ parameter used to determine what constitutes a burst. At present that value is baked into the Python source meaning a reload of the extension is required whenever I want to change the parameter.


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In the context of my Pulse Stats extension I'd also like to be able to turn various output statistics on/off so I see just the parameters I'm interested in. Ideally I'd be able to nest controls so that I can use a top level check box to turn on/off a group of stats (i.e. select positive pulse stats or negative pulse stats or both) then select stats within the group (i.e. minimum period, maximum period, mean, ...). So I'd like to be able to do something like:

X: Positive pulses
...X: min period
...X: max period
...X: mean period
...X: SD
X: Negative pulses
...X: min period
...X: max period
...X: mean period
...X: SD

where each X is a checkbox (... prefix because the stoopid renderer collapses leading white space!)

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