Light on dark scheme for analyzer output


This suggestion is to darken the output from the analyzers so it matches the same brightness level as the rest of the plot.

The bright output (dark on light) from the analyzers is distracting since the rest of the plot is light on dark.

I have a screenshot of the current scheme as well as a mock-up of the proposed scheme.


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Peter Jaquiery

Interesting. My take is that the output from analyzers is generally more important than the trace or you wouldn't have the analyzer on. That said, a trivial way to hide the analyzer output without turning it off would be a great thing! There is already an idea related to this:


if you take "channels" in a slightly wider sense.

  • S


Interesting idea! By now, I'm pretty sure that we'll never make everyone happy :)
Some prefer it to be brighter, and others darker. Our plan is to support themes and allow users to pick their own style - no timeline for that though