HLA - Add a String Parser support library


This will open up easier implementation for parsing HLA settings inputs, which can be helpful in situations below:

  • Supporting parsing multiple Radix inputs for HLA settings
  • Supporting parsing time units when used as a settings input

For reference, Peter's submitted "Re Search" HLA has a string setting solution to get the maximum search time as fractional seconds (refer to kMatchTime for an example implementation). https://github.com/GrandFatherADI/ReSearch

Original request in Ticket #68780:

I can't use a hex value (0x23) in a NumberSetting field for a HLA. For a lot of numeric parameters in HLAs hex values are the obvious choice (bit masks, register values, ...).

Use case: My immediate use case is in an internal HLA that does product specific decoding of IIC traffic. Most of the time the HLA can figure out which of our devices' types is being used, but for short snippets of traffic it helps to give the HLA a heads up. We always use a two digit hex value to specify the device version so being able to enter that directly would be nice and less error prone.

As a general thing, bit masks in particular are much nicer as hex, or even binary, and selecting flags if interest in registers is likely to be a common configuration requirement for inhouse HLAs.


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