Give names to the devices


When you have connected multiple Logic Pro you only see the difference between the devices if you check the serialnumber. It would be nice if it is possible to change the showing name so it will show instead of "Logic Pro 16" for example "Logic Test1".

Is it still somewhere possible to change the LED color of the device?


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Hey guys, any update on renaming the devices? We have two devices on the same bench, at this moment we don't even know how to apply a workaround. Any help or status would be appreciated.



Thanks for pinging here for an update! Apologies we don't have any updates on this yet. We'll continue to track interest in this feature in the meantime before we commit it to the roadmap.



"Typically I have more than one analyzer hooked up (sometimes three!), and it’s annoying when spawning a new window to try and remember which is which just by position…it would be amazing to be able to give them nicknames / friendly names - is this possible somehow and I’m just missing the option?"



"I have five Saleae Pro16 analysers attached and it would be great if I could give them a name (i.e., which hardware they are attached to)."



I have five 16-channel Saleae's connected to my computer. Logic 1 allowed me to change the name associated with each of them, to allow me to immediately identify and select the one I wanted to use. I really miss this feature when using Logic 2



Merged with: Allow the Saleae 'device name' to be edited



Yes... I'm eagerly awaiting this feature to be introduced in Logic 2. I too have 5 x Pro-16's connected to my remote workshop computer and the ability to identify each according to which particular hardware it's connected to would be really (really) useful.



"I no longer appear to be able to give the device a name...
Some times I have up to five logic probes connected and giving them unique manes is the quickest and easiest way of making sure I select the correct one first time around. Before being able to rename them I had to keep a note of their serial numbers and cross reference them to a particular hardware target they were connected to. Obviously I know you cannot capture more than one at a time and just disconnect the ones I am not used. Leaving just the one I want to use connected, however I often access my workshop remotely so physically disconnecting and reconnecting is not an option under those circumstances."



Unfortunately, setting the LED color and setting the device name is not possible right now in the Logic 2 software. Sorry about that. We'll keep this in mind as we continue adding new features.

We're tracking the LED color setting request in another idea post by the way. Feel free to vote for that there in the meantime. Thanks again for posting your need for this!