Export Raw Data - export every sample


Currently, digital channel entries are only recorded in the export file when data changes (not on every sample). Therefore, the number of entries in the resulting export file are dependent on the number of transitions that occur and not on the number of digital samples in the capture. Although this helps reduce the file size of the export file, it is not always preferred.

In some cases, such as with the intention to recreate the signal in external software, this is unfavorable, and it would be preferred to export every sample. This option was possible in the older Logic 1.x software, but has been removed in Logic 2.x.


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"about the “Export Raw Data” feature in the Logic 2 software.
As I read the tooltip for it the .CSV file exported only contains the entries where the data changes in the recording and not the full amount of data captured with the select sample rate.
Is there possibly any way that this can be bypassed?"



It's a great pity that you removed that feature. I wanted it to compare two captures and it took me a while to realise that the time column was the transition time, so data will always be 1-0-1.... Not a great deal of use!



"How do I export complete date, not just when there is a change in the digital line."



"1. I don't expect to export every sample data
2. I think to add the additional data point before the data changing is easy for your team, but maybe not higher priority. If you can support this on next updating, would be great."



"want to save data in raw form is .csv. should be value vs. time.
it seems to save it as time per value change."



"I'm trying to capture 1-bit oversampled bitstream. The current format of CSV output makes post-processing pulse density modulated signals cumbersome because the timesteps are not uniform.

In the column of data, the data *always* alternates between 1 and 0. There are never two adjacent 1's or adjacent 0's. If I had to guess, you all only capture time values if the data changes.

This method makes post-processing pulse density modulated signals difficult because the current format effectively moves all pulse-density information from the data column (where i'd just sum 1's and 0's from each time step) to the time column (now I have to redefine the time vector as one with a uniform dt and interpolate the data column to fill in values at the finer time steps). I need the "finer" time steps so I can see things like contiguous blocks of 1's.

The feature I request is a check box which enables uniform time step data export. In other words, I'd like a row for each sample taken. Would result in some large csv's, but I'd happily take that drawback. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for a great product."



"I am trying to export to a CSV file, and I notice that if there are long periods where the data is the same, the tool skips over that data to the point where the data changes again. I need all of the data to keep the timing correct. Is there any way to keep all of the data?"



"One feature that existed on the logic1 long time ago (but was removed) that can helps is when exporting to csv, put the check box “save on sample”, because today it don’t have anymore, so always export as “save on change”
“save on sample” = 1 line on the csv per sample
“save on change” = 1 line on the csv per changed logic (the only one existing now a days)"



"while testing the software Logic 2 (Ver 2.3.26, demo version), I became aware that for the exported CSV-Flies (at least for digital data) the sampling intervalls are not equally spaced but the data is (presumably) only given when there was a change in one of the logic levels. I understand that this problably does save time, computing power and storage space as well.

However, this is undesirable for one of my projects, where a regular spaced intervall is needed for further calculations. Is it possible to change this behaviour in the software (demo or full version)?"



"When exporting trace data to a CSV file, the sample intervals are not uniform. Why?"