Event zoom trims as time zoom range to shown only the duration with changes


Description: Event zoom is feature where a time range is requested as zoom on a specific signal, and where constant leading and trailing signal durations are trimmed away when the zoom is actually made, so zooming only includes the part with changes in the signal. Event zoom could for example be available through Ctrl+Alt+MouseDrag, so the Ctrl+MouseDrag is still accessible for specific time window zoom.

Motivation: When doing long captures, for example more than 100 seconds, with few short event of interest, for example in the range of sub microsecond, then zooming the those specific events is tedious and takes numerous zooms, using the time range zoom.

Image is attached that shows capture of about 130 seconds, with a approx 100 ns event every 10 seconds, where each event is an UART character.


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"When I drag-to-zoom on a small blip of activity, I sometimes have to do it multiple times to zoom in enough, depending on how big my selection box is (smaller box, bigger zoom). But it would be nice if it would just zoom all the way in until the selected signal activity fills the screen."

  • M


This is a great idea! To put in other words, selecting a zoom range like in image 1 attached, should zoom in like in image 2 attached.

  • M