J |
Jane |
Instead of USB interface with the logic analyzer, You may try High Speed Ethernet Interface between CPU and LA for High performance.
Because Some people, like me, may have low performance PC. These kind of PC's are having low speed USB port .
But All the PC/works stations are having High Speed Ethernet Connection.
I feel this Ethernet Interface will be universal, rather than these USB 2.0 or 3.0 or Whatever.
Note from Saleae
We have outlined a suggestion below which calls for an external ethernet-usb hub.
Activity Newest / Oldest
After spending a small fortune on a USB-3 analyzer, it looked like an external bespoke Ethernet bridge specifically for Logic could be made. So I did. Any decent FPGA board with USB 3 and Ethernet can do that job. I hacked something together about 2 years ago that works for me but I really wish this was not necessary. It doesn't use hardware USB on the PC side, I made a driver that bridges the USB stack and Ethernet for this single purpose.
Saelae: for the future I suggest making hardware 3 use USB-C and allow connections in both host and device modes. In the host mode, an Ethernet dongle + hub can be used to power the analyzer and to send the data over Ethernet. The USB hub can be powered from a USB-C power bank, so there'd be full isolation. That way you don't need to worry about adding Ethernet hardware on your device. And since you'll be going to USB-C anyway I presume, this would take very little hardware to accommodate.
I also vote for an ethernet connected logic analyzer. Our software team likes to work remotely, and almost all of our test equipment these days, from Spectrum Analyzers, Signal Generators, Oscilloscopes, power supplies are all accessible and remote controllable over IP in our lab. A lot of system level testing is scripted with python. Having the ability to at least trigger a recording via IP, even if the data has to be sent over usb to a lab computer, or attached USB drive, would help with testing to record what happened when diagnosing things. It would be better if the data could be transferred over ethernet too.
A separate wallwort type power supply would also be fine to make this work
Request for Ethernet Connectivity due to security reasons (the only USB devices allowed for this specific lab are mouse and keyboard).
Status changed to: Open
Post moved to this board
Michael Mulligan Jul 11, 2018
I worry about power. Environments that have POE as likely to have modern PCs. Also, the USB allows a direction connection to a portable PC. I haven't noticed any portables that will supply POE.
A separate "Wall Wart" would not be desirable, so how big is this market? I see the votes, but think the clutter might be a real detraction.
t35tB0t May 11, 2019
Power is a lesser factor in a test environment. Saleae has a good product but it would be significantly more useful with few alterations:
1) GigE Ethernet. This allows the pod to be far away from PC and transformer-coupled no ground loop to PC. This is very important for testing. Use passive POE so can remotely power when not grounding not a problem or can power entire DUT off the passive POE for common grounding. Ethernet also means that the socket API would provide direct access to raw samples for more efficient user data processing.
2) Sync in and out. This thing has a sample clock - let's see it on the port. And an external clock could be used to trigger or gate the sampling. It would greatly expand the utility of the pod.
3) Ring-buffered data capture. Secondary process that is able to analyze data and keep up with the capture would allow use of ring buffered continuous capture. Then results can be logged efficiently to memory or disk for very large sustained captures with no data loss
Joe Garrison May 15, 2019
Great comments, thanks!
1) GigE Ethernet.
The isolation is a really important point and will be addressed in the next generation of hardware. (Gen 3)
Gigabit ethernet (or WiFi) is x5/x10 slower than USB 3.0/3.1 but could be a reasonable way to go especially with lots of device-side memory and processor-power. This solution is similar to how we could support mobile. I don't expect to support this case until Gen 4 however, because of the increased complexity.
2) Sync in and out.
The plan is to support this on Gen 3 hardware.
3) Ring-buffered data capture.
If I understand correctly you're essentially saying that you only want to save particular protocol analyzer results to memory/disk, discarding the precursor data, allowing a very very long capture time. This is related to a software-side feature we call 'data logging' intended to facilitate this class of use case. This is a really helpful suggestion, I've recorded it in our notes on data logging.
Joe Garrison May 15, 2019
Ethernet also means that the socket API would provide direct access to raw samples for more efficient user data processing.
Something like a python script connects to a socket, issues some commands to the device, gets back the data it needs, etc?
I'm really interested in the automated test use case. If you'd be open to discuss your use case(s) more please reach out to me at Guest.
Chris Nov 14, 2019
Ethernet is inherently isolated, so I won't have to deal with quirky USB isolators. Also, when using multiple Logic Pros, each will be clearly identified by its IP address.