Tim |
This only affects the last line in the terminal, and is noticeable when resizing the side panel.
For Async Serial - The last line will not text wrap properly. The last line is considered as the final stretch of data preceded by a new line or carraige return.
For I2C or SPI - the last line is considered after the end of a previous transaction, and will not properly reflow when the side panel is resized.
Also - SPI data looks like it completely disappears...
We use xtermjs for our in-app terminal. According to the xtermjs GitHub issue below, this seems to be a bug that only affects the last line of text.
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Another report of this issue in the support ticket number above
Issue reported in this support ticket as well...
"When I extend the terminal width, the text does not extend. Even worse, when I reduce the terminal width, the displayed characters at the end seems to get lost completely, even when I restore/exceed the original size. Apparently, new terminal log is always generated with the current with, at least when restarting the analyzer."
(#63304) First report of the bug is in the support ticket here