Bookmarks (or convert marker pair)


I would like to see the the bookmarks back in logic2 (I use them a lot clarify events)
I am aware that marker pairs can be enhanced with a comment, but that is not as visible as a bookmark.
Bookmarks also included zoom level, marker pairs do not. (double click zooms the to full width though)

An option to quickly add a bookmark would be very helpful.
Only the text should be shown and on addition (2nd marker click) the cursor should go to the text edit field.
In logic1 there is a bug that the cursor goes to decoded protocols which has always annoyed me :P
If the markers are shown like for timing markers that is fine for me but maybe make an option to hide those?


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"Feature Request - Zoom around a marker

Keeping data I am trying to zoom into in the window.
Select a marker and designate it as the 'zoom center'. Zooms now keep that marker in center of the capture trace window

Bookmarks would also work. This would be close to what I was proposing and maybe it would be better. If I had bookmarks A, B and C, and then I zoom I would just do an operation to ‘go to ’, choosing whichever mark I want to see."



Thanks for the idea. Can you give us a description of a typical workflow and how you had used bookmarks back in Logic 1?

By the way, sorry for the bug in Logic 1... all of our development efforts will be towards Logic 2 moving forward, so if we decide to bring back bookmarks, we'll make sure to implement it without this bug.



- Often I combine this with timing markers.
- Some events consisting of multiple messages (analyzed by an analyzer) are marked with a marker pair.
- Then I zoom to a level a where the packet contents are just visible (if possible )
- I pan to a position where all or the most important packets are in screen.
- Then I add a bookmark and add a descriptive text. (human analyzing)
That text is the most important guidance for the next person looking at the trace who might not have a clue what happens otherwise. (so not the time delta like for time markers)

So an option where the "time markers" of a bookmark are visible (default?) would be an improvement over logic1.

No worries about the bug.
sometimes they are not worth the effort when there is a new solution in the pipeline.
Now we just have to port our custom analyzer to be compatible with logic2 and I can perform more experiments.



Thanks for describing that! I can certainly see how bookmarks would be useful in that case.