Autosave on Capture Stop


Original Request details below:

"Feature Request - autosave on capture stop
the option to automatically save the data upon every stop capture would allow faster data saving while not having to open the menu.
Also, a simple mouse click sw can automate the entire start-stop-save procedure.
The background is, we are trying to monitor a sensor over the weekend, and to prevent large data acquisition, we click the stop button and then the start button, but that leads to loosing potentially valid information.

By having an option in the menu to auto save on capture stop, we can save the data each time

An option to auto rename/save data in the menu would be greatly helpful"


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[via email]
"...really I would be interested in continuous data logging. Something the actively saved to disc so that you could keep data collecting without hitting stop and start at all."



"The default naming of the captured file using the tab name is great. An autosave option would be cool, when naming the tab. I have occaisionally forgotten to save a tab."